Easily find iBeacon, Eddystone, or Physical Web beacon.
Locate all the Bluetooth beacons surrounding you, knowing their location, the distance from them.
Proposes to review the last 100 beacons your device has detected, both iBeacon and Eddystone.
Bluetooth low energy beacons begin to be everywhere, in shops, bars, museums, stadiums and many other places yet. Use the app to interact with all beacons.
The app use the accelerometer, and when the device is not moving don't insert the beacon info on the db, this feature is to minimize the interference, beacuse the Bluetooth Low Energy work on 2,4 Ghz frequenz, and is influenced by the water to, so body human too.
Test the app, you gona like it.
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New, simple and stylish design, allowing you to easily locate the beacons around you, showing the distance with precision.
Find the physical web around you, and open the link on your favorite browser.
Use the app for positioning and indoor navigation.
Displays important beacon information like
* Beacon Name
* UUID, Minor and Major values for iBeacons/Altbeacons.
* NameSpace, Instance,URL and TLM frames for Eddystone.
* Proximity value
* Distance to beacon
* TxPower and RSSI values
* Last time the beacon was Alive
Let us know your thoughts, if you have tips, follow the links to contact us.
E-mail: info@elegantweb.it
WebSite: http://www.elegantweb.it/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WElegantWeb